Friday, July 30, 2010

The Bee Whisperer

Kimber shares some information about some of her favorite insects.

Bees, though scary to many people, are actually quite easy-going as long as their space is not violated. I walk within three feet of a beehive on a regular basis, and have yet to get stung. The trick is to walk slowly, as bees have trouble changing their flight pattern quickly, and if something gets in their way they're likely to sting. Bees can also smell fear, so act confidently when around them. For the people who hate having bees buzzing around them outside, remember that if you're wearing bright colors, they might just be exploring to see if you're a good source of nectar. Let them do their thing, and they'll leave you alone.

This may be obvious, but bees are not wasps, so the same rules won't apply if you're being bothered by a wasp. Honey bees are fuzzy, golden in color, and have a fairly compact body. Wasps are bright yellow, devoid of fuzz, and have long legs and a separated body. Wasps can be helpful when eating garden pests, but I smash them anyway as they're quite mean. If you are planning on killing a wasp, remember that while bees can only sting you once before they die, wasps can sting as many times as they please, so make sure you do the job right the first time.

Easy Spice

Kimber provides a quick tip.

I am a huge fan of cooking, especially the educational and experimental kind. However, at the end of a long day, sometimes you just want to eat quickly. If frozen dinners and pre-packaged food aren't your thing, and you can get to a Trader Joe's at least once a year, then this at-home fast food doesn't have to be tasteless.

I am a huge fan of the Trader Joe's spice mixes. I started out with their 21 Seasoning Salute, a saltless flavoring that adds interest to any dish, but that seems to go especially well with beef and pork. I like to add a tablespoon or so to a meatloaf to make it more flavorful and satisfying.

The Trader Joe's Lemon Pepper grinder is heaven sent. Most lemon pepper mixes quickly go stale or are bland to start with. This mix comes in a little spice jar with its own grinder, so you're always getting a toothsome mix of freshly-ground peppercorns, lemon peel, and sea salt. One taste, and you won't want to use any other kind of lemon pepper again.

My last recommendation, and most recent discovery, is the Trader Joe's Everyday Seasoning. Like the lemon pepper, it comes with its own grinder, so it always tastes fresh, and it offers a more uncoventional mix of spices that are novel, intriguinging, and incredibly delicious. I know that many people are very familiar with the tastes of these spices, but for one coming from a bland repetoire of unimaginative food, this spice mix was a god-send. It includes coriander, paprika, and chile pepper, so it can be a bit spicy, but I can't stop putting it on all of my food.

If you are reading this post and are baffled because you don't know what a Trader Joe's is, google them, find their website, and request that they establish a location near you. Trust me, it's worth it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Being an Adult is Realizing People's Lives Don't Revolve Around You

Kimber explains something that a lot of people don't seem to get.

Many people in my life have yet to learn the simple lesson that not everybody is thinking about them every minute of every day. People naturally think of themselves first, because they're the person they spend the most time with. Everyone else is secondary. This doesn't mean that people don't care for or consider each other, it just means that we shouldn't be so hurt when someone accidentaly overlooks us.

I could continue this blog to rant about how selfish people can be, and why they annoy me, but the truth is that I started this subject because of my own hurt feelings. I don't know why, but once I put my mind to something, I expect it to be an instant success. I always forget about the hard work and patience part, no matter what it is. I've been feeling down about my lawn because it didn't turn instantly lush and green after I started caring for it, disapointed in how slowly my house is becoming organized and clutter free, and downright depressed about my low blog-readership.

Projects, goals, and relationships all take time to cultivate; almost nothing that really matters can happen in a snap. If I want relatives to think fondly of me, I need to put in the time to write them letters, visit them, and take their phone calls. If I want my dogs to be well-behaved, I need to provide consistent training and guidance. If I want people to read what I write, I need to make it interesting, relevant, and well-publicized.

Really, I need to realize that people in general care about me and what I do much less than I care about me and what I'm doing. I'm more accomplished at this than several people I could name, but I'm not yet proficient at it to have the grace to let people become interested in my projects on their own time, rather than being frustrated when not met with instant success.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Time Management Stumbling Block

Kimber explains one of her biggest problems.

When I moved out of my parents' house for the first time, the sense of freedom was a little scary. I could watch 'R' rated movies without hiding it. I could stay up as late as I liked, and sleep in without worrying about anyone pulling the mattress off the bed with me on top of it.

I definitely took this newfound freedom too far, as I quickly started neglecting my responsibilities, and found myself failing in a lot of the things that I had formerly found to be easy. Much of my adult life since then has been dedicated to rediscovering a sense of order. I now use my planner and to-do lists faithfully, and have spent a lot of time figuring out just how many things I could put on said to-do lists without making myself want to give up and go back to sleep.

Time management is still a major weakness for me, but I'm getting better. I'm finally to the point where I get almost everything done that I need to in a day. Though, making it to appointments on time is another story.

Friday, July 23, 2010

New Packaging for an Old Product

Kimber takes a new direction.

My pipe dream is to become a writer, and a further pipe dream tells me I can do this by being discovered in one way or another. Also, I'm jealous of all those people who have managed to create a blog popular enough that they can live off of it and resulting deals. I want to be one of those people, and after long thought and consideration, I've decided I can be, I just have to follow the right steps.

Step One: This blog needs a theme. Since there are three posters and a myriad of subjects, it was kind of hard for me to come up with a coherant theme, until I realized that a lot of the stuff we write about is dealing with problems we're running into as our life situations change. In other words, we can't slack off anymore, and we don't like that. Thus the new subtitle of the blog will be "The Messy Transition to Responsibility and Adulthood". This is a broad enough subject that Nolan can keep writing about washing his hands in urinals, but it will allow something for our readers to identify with.

Step Two: Post every day. This will be a hard step, because I am lazy, but I've been noticing that the most popular blogs post on a regular basis, so that people will know when they can read new material.

Step Three: Advertise the crap out of this thing. No one will read our blog if no one has heard about it, so I'm re-instituting the graffiti campaign for Time to Wipe the Crack. It's pretty much a one-woman show, but I figure that every little bit helps, and once we get enough loyal readers, they might start telling their friends, and then the New York Times will notice us, and then I'll get a book deal, win a Nobel Peace Prize for literature, and live happily ever after. Hey, don't scoff, I told you this was a pipe dream.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

oops in Brtian

This is Nolan speaking from England

Yesterday something really embaressing happened... Let me tell the story.

So I had to take a piss see, like we all usually have to do every once in a while. And I found a Toilet place. (I have a sneaking suspicion that they don't have toilets in the resturants if they have their own facilities in the middle of town.) What happened next was utter confusion. They didn't have sinks and soap dispencers they just had a wall with running water and a box that appearently was used to dry your hands. Anyway I waved my hands in front of the wall of running water and nothing happened. I was like >.>. then one of the water falls came on. So I proceeded to rince my hands. that's when a local came in and gave me a look that went kinda like this :/. then he unzipped his pants and started to pee in the wall with running water to the left of me. come to find out the box was used to soap wash and dry your hands, due to my ignorance I was washing in a urinal. I wonder how other foreigners deal with our customs? Do they drink out of the toilet?